Sunday 28 February 2010

An End to Procrastination?

Whey hey hey! I've got the answer to end my predicament! Sitting in front of the window here looking at the rain plop over my newly planted pansies, I think I can truly end my procrastination malady! Lifecoachselfhelpsupportnetworkography. It's a bit like Mary Poppins, if you say it fast enough, click your heels together three times and wish for [insert something here] then it'll come. I'm not demeaning all this stuff. Far from it. I believe it. I want to believe it and I want to be a CEO of a big organisation with four children and a house in hampstead, and a tall ravishing husband who makes me muffins for breakfast.
If I listen enough to all the videos on youtube and download enough self hypnosis tapes then I might get there. It's already working! I had two chance meetings with eligible men yesterday. Both led to nothing, but hey, it's a start. I met a friend of friend, didn't recognise him, mistook his irish accent for an american one and scowled at him. Then someone chatted me up in the library, by the poetry section. He liked Marvel, and I liked Wendy Cope. Are poetry sections popular for type of thing now? I have suspicions he may have been a biscuit short of a selection pack, but who cares. When he kept repeating he had an English degree I believed him. He was good looking. Perhaps my positive affirmations over the past few days have worked. Friend M says I must be sending out positive vibes. Perhaps since I hadn't brushed my hair that day I looked like I was ready for a roll in the hay?

I think it's time I searched for a book online 'wishcraft'. No. It's a real one. I've subscribed to it and really really will read it.
Really. have a nice day y'all.

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