Monday 14 February 2011

the alpha person's cocktail party

forgive me father for I have sinned, it's been a year since I last posted a blog.

Last night, I went to a batmitzvah celebration for an old friend's daughter. Just to explain. My friend is beautiful, kind, a PHd university lecturer, has a great marriage with 2 lovely children and does yoga every wednesday in her home with several other equally lovely professional women. She is married to a high flying corporate executive who occasionally cycles the 22 mile round trip to his workplace just to be sure he can, is equally bright and still has friends from university. They display the tiniest bit of smugness when there's a full moon.

I sat next to some old friends whom I always meet at these occasions. One has directed plays at one of London's top theatres, and his partner a TV producer. The other has been a businessman in Japan and who's wife is a poet. They are all attractive, intelligent, and self assured.

I did not mention I had been in the same job nearly 15 years and spend each morning listening to self hypnosis tapes on the train which tell me I am competent, successful and happy. I also did not tell them I possess at least half a dozen laughing buddhas for good luck, let my window stay unfixed for a year and find it difficult not to click on an internet dating account I closed a year ago when I get a message saying someone has looked at my profile.
I did though have a good time. Success is somewhat infectious when accompanied by a glass of pink champagne and chocolate volcanos.

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